

Remembering Boston Mayor Tom Menino

B1NGbC-CUAAOZI5Today, the city of Boston lay to rest its beloved mayor, Tom Menino.  I didn’t know him personally, but as a native Bostonian from the same neighborhood he called home, Hyde Park, I feel the impact of his loss. Growing up as a kid in boston, you just knew he was that guy who was the mayor, who was always there. As a child, I never knew exactly what he did, but I knew he did ‘good stuff,’ and that everyone in the community loved him. Anyone who’s lived in Boston during mayor Menino’s administration can attest to his charm, strength as a leader, a man of the community, and a politician as well.  American politics lives and breathes in Boston, and anyone who has ever run for any political seat in the city, or the state, can attest mayor Menino’s political savvy – one of his many talents that has guided him through an unprecedented 20 year tenure as mayor.

Boston’s beloved Mayor Tom Menino will be truly missed. Please keep his family, friends, colleagues, and the city of Boston in your thoughts in prayers.